Join MCACHE March 5th for an evening discussion on Value Based Care!
As reimbursements shift from volume based to value based, healthcare organizations are becoming more responsible for providing the resources necessary to meet the needs of a given population. Aligning quality of care with the appropriate level of care and services becomes pertinent to healthcare organizations’ bottom line.
Building and enhancing provider and payor partnerships is essential to providing this kind of care. As the acuity of care increases, healthcare leaders must coordinate equitable care and properly address social determinants of health. The focus is no longer treating patients but proactively keeping patients out of the acute healthcare setting and providing care in the community. Federal requirements to meet HEDIS/HOS measure requirements paired with new payment models poses additional challenges for providers and payors alike.
This discussion will be centered around building partnerships with payors and providers that properly reduce costs while improving the quality and access of care and addresses federal requirements centered around preventing acute health issues for those suffering from chronic disease.
Event Schedule:
5:30pm-6:30pm Registration/Networking/Refreshments & Appetizers
6:30pm-8:00pm Program
Moderator: Mark Herzog (FACHE, MHSA) – Faculty, ACHE: Mark Herzog Bio
Speaker 1: Lori Aronson – VP, Care Delivery Solutions: Lori Aronson Bio
Speaker 2: Mary Zuckerman (FACHE) – VP, General Manager, Honest Health: Mary Zuckerman Bio
Speaker 3: Courtland Keteyian (MD, MBA, MPH) – Interim President & CEO, Mosaic Clinically Integrated Network: Courtland Keteyian Bio
This program has been approved for 1.5 hours of In-Person Education Credits.